
In this chapter, we'll explore how to configure your IC Smart for Fuel applications, specifically focusing on integration with our i-Catcher Display system and Fuel POS integrations. Your IC Smart can be preconfigured with the appropriate protocol, making it easy for you to get started. After installation, you can access the device's status page using its IP address, where you'll find a dedicated section for Displays, depending on your selected protocol.


1. Accessing the IC Smart Real-Time Status Page

To begin the configuration process, follow these steps:

Step 1: Unbox and install

Ensure your IC Smart is correctly installed and powered as described in IC Smart - Getting Started. Confirm that it has a stable internet connection. 

Step 2: Obtain the IP Address

If you've configured the device to use DHCP, it will automatically obtain an IP address from your network. However, if your network configuration allows it, you may also access the device using a hostname like http://icsmart-20592xxxxx.local (xxxxx being the exact serial number inside the box).

You have the option to establish a direct connection between the IC Smart and your PC (e.g., laptop) for seamless access. Simply follow these steps:

Use a standard Ethernet cable to connect the IC Smart to your PC.
Access the device's status page by entering the following URL in your webbrowser:
http://icsmart-20592xxxxx.local (replace "xxxxx" with your device serial number).

This direct connection facilitates quick and convenient interaction with the IC Smart for configuration and monitoring purposes.

Step 3: Access the Status Page

Open a web browser on a device connected to the same network as your IC Smart. Enter the device's IP address or hostname in the browser's address bar and press Enter. You should now see the IC Smart status page.

On the status page you can see the live status of the device including prices and connection statistics.

Step 4: Configuring Display System via i-Config

To guide you through the process of setting up a display system, please refer to the comprehensive instructions in the "Display installation manual." This manual not only covers display system setup but also provides details about the i-Config system.

With the introduction of the new IC Smart, there's no longer a necessity for The HC02 configuration tool. Instead, you can now streamline the setup process by utilizing a standard Ethernet port on your laptop to control the IC Smart.

By establishing a network connection using a standard Ethernet cable between your laptop and the IC Smart, not only can you effortlessly access the device status page, but you can also seamlessly connect with i-Config for further configuration options.

To connect to i-Config with the IC Smart, follow these steps:

  1. Please make sure to download the latest i-Config version: 
  2. Open the i-Config application.
  3. Initiate a connection and select the Ethernet option instead of the serial connection.
  4. Use the IC-Smart's IP address or if connected to a computer directly use icsmart-20592xxxxx.local (where "xxxxx" is your device serial number)
  5. Specify port 10001 for the connection.
  6. Complete the connection process.

By opting for the Ethernet connection with port 10001, you can seamlessly establish a connection with the IC Smart, simplifying the configuration process for a smoother experience.

2. Connecting the POS system

For configuring the POS system, please consult the updated manual: "IC Smart - POS connections." The recent changes in the pinout of the new IC Smart are detailed in this manual, providing you with accurate and essential information to ensure a seamless connection.