
In this chapter, we'll explore how to configure your IC Smart for horticulture applications, specifically focusing on the Bacnet (Building Automation and Control Network) and HLP (Horti Lighting Protocol) protocols. These protocols are essential for optimizing lighting and environmental control in horticultural settings. Your IC Smart can be preconfigured with the appropriate protocol, making it easy for you to get started. After installation, you can access the device's status page using its IP address, where you'll find a dedicated section for Bacnet or HLP, depending on your selected protocol.


1. Selecting the Right Protocol

Before diving into the configuration details, it's crucial to understand the differences between Bacnet and HLP and choose the one that aligns with your horticultural needs.

Bacnet: Bacnet is a widely adopted protocol in building automation and control systems. It allows you to integrate various devices, including lighting and environmental sensors, into a unified network. Bacnet enables you to monitor and control these devices efficiently, optimizing lighting and environmental conditions for plant growth. 

Horti Lighting Protocol (HLP): HLP is a specialized protocol designed explicitly for horticultural lighting systems. It offers a uniform communication protocol for controlling LED lamps simplifies implementation and provides growers and other parties involved with considerable time and cost savings, as well as certainty that the lamps are controlled properly. HLP ensures optimal growth conditions, energy efficiency, and crop quality.

More info on the protocol can be found here:

2. Accessing the IC Smart Real-Time Status Page

To begin the configuration process, follow these steps:

Step 1: Unbox and install

Ensure your IC Smart is correctly installed and powered as described in IC Smart - Getting Started. Confirm that it has a stable internet connection. 

Step 2: Obtain the IP Address

If you've configured the device to use DHCP, it will automatically obtain an IP address from your network. However, if your network configuration allows it, you may also access the device using a hostname like http://icsmart-20592xxxxx (xxxxx being the exact serial number inside the box).

Step 3: Access the Status Page

Open a web browser on a device connected to the same network as your IC Smart. Enter the device's IP address or hostname in the browser's address bar and press Enter. You should now see the IC Smart status page.

Step 4: Configuring Bacnet or HLP

Once you're on the IC Smart status page, look for the section that corresponds to your selected protocol, either Bacnet or HLP. Here, you can fine-tune the configuration settings to meet your specific horticultural requirements. Instead of a traditional description, here are the settings you can expect to adjust in a tabular format for both HLP and Bacnet:

Please note that as of October 2023, some of these settings may not be adjustable via the BeverApp, but these capabilities may become available in future updates.

General config for Horticulture
Number of hops for sending levels
The validity of messages sent into the network6h
The number of refreshes during the validity period12
The priority of the level message sent into the Smart network8

The type of message used for sending level messages0

Config for HLP
EnableON/OFFEnable/disable HLP
Define the server port for HLP communication502
Set the maximum number of HLP clients allowed10
Specify the HLP unit ID for identification. Settable via the HLP protocol register 201
Configure the number of HLP areas available1
Set the number of HLP channels to be used1
Show or hide HLP settings in the status tablefalse
Set the connection timeout duration.48h
Define the network to start the Area definition in the Smart Network. This way all Area's will be shifted to a higher Smart Network1

Config for Bacnet
EnableON/OFFEnable/disable Bacnet
Configure the number of Bacnet areas available1
Set the number of Bacnet channels to be used1

3. Final Steps for Horticulture Configuration

Once you've configured your IC Smart for horticulture, it's crucial to ensure that your settings are saved and activated. Follow these final steps to complete the process:

Save Your Settings 

In the configuration interface, locate the option to save your settings. Ensure that all your horticulture-related configurations are properly saved.

Reboot the Device (If Necessary) 

In some cases, a reboot of the IC Smart might be required to activate your horticultural settings. If you suspect that your changes haven't taken effect, initiate a reboot of the device.

Checking the Status

To monitor the status of your horticultural lighting protocol (HLP) and ensure everything is running smoothly, you can access the device's status page through its IP address. Here's what you can expect to see:


Real-Time Status Monitoring

The IC Smart offers real-time status monitoring through its dynamic status page. This page provides live updates about your horticultural lighting protocol (HLP) and the overall status of your device in horticultural applications.

HLP Status Indicator

On the real-time status page, you'll find a dedicated HLP status indicator that continuously updates to reflect the current state of your horticultural setup.

HLP (No Active Channels): 

This status indicates that, in real-time, there are currently no channels active on your IC Smart for horticulture.

HLP [30] (=30 Active Channels): 

This status indicates that, in real-time, the count of updated channels since the initial activation. This typically indicates that there is at least one client connected to your IC Smart for horticulture, actively overseeing one or more channels for your horticultural lighting and environmental control.

Interpreting Real-Time HLP Status

Setpoint Control Area 1 Channel 1: This real-time data element displays the current value of Setpoint Control Area 1 Channel 1 in your horticultural setup. It provides information about the current state of this specific parameter, including its value, unit of measurement, and other relevant information.