Table of content:
Order delivery - Bever Dashboard
Getting started - Bever Dashboard
Price management - Bever Dashboard

EOS Connected Migration - Bever Dashboard
Deleting Account - Bever Dashboard

When you decide to discontinue using the Bever Innovations dashboard and associated services, you have the option to permanently delete your account, in compliance with GDPR regulations.

Login to your Account:

Begin by navigating to the Bever dashboard via and logging in. Once logged in, click on your user icon or email address located at the top right corner:

From the dropdown menu, select "Edit Profile".

This action will display an overview of your personal settings.

Within the profile overview, click on "Manage Account":

Here, you'll find the option to permanently delete your account:

To proceed, you'll be required to confirm this action by clicking on the link sent to your email address.

Please note that this action is irreversible and will permanently remove your account and associated data from the Bever innovations database. 

If you need any further assistance assistance, please do not hesitate to Contact our support team.