Introduction & requirements

This article will guide you through all required stepps to enable you to commission Bever Innovation Smart Lighting products, such as LS Downlight, CubiQ, Ambiente and more, using the Bever App. 

Our products use Bever Innovation’s Smart Technology to let you wirelessly connect to your devices, and influence smart autonomous behaviours, connect controllers, form groups, share sensors and tweak behaviours.

To start setting up your device(s), please download the Bever App to your device. 

The Bever App is available on most of the common app stores (shorcut: and it is supported on Android, iOS, iPadOS, VisionOS, Windows and MacOS.

To use the Bever App,  Please refer to these articles to get help setting up your account and loggin in using your personal credentials:

Article: Creating a Bever account

Article: Logging in to the Bever App

Additional (advanced) support documents are available at

Lets get started!


Start commissioning new devices

Using or Creating a site

Creating a “Site” is a great way to manage working with multiple locations where you are using Bever Innovations Smart Devices that are all associated with your company. We recommend first setting up your current location as a site. Using a site also enables you to customize the names of networks, groups and devices and you will also be able to use an image as map for your network, store device templates and more..

A manager may have already created a site for you to use from the Bever Dashboard. If so, a mobile device (a phone or a tablet) running the Bever App can suggest you use the already made site based on your GPS location. Just tap OK from the prompt to continue using that site.

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A device without location services available/enabled (such as a laptop) is not able to suggest a location, but you can manually check to see if a site is available by tapping the menu at the top of the main menu where it says “Local devices” by default. The app will now show you all known sites for your company and you can tap the site you would like to use. If your device is using location services, sites will be ordered by relative distance. You can search for sites by name by typing.

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With a site selected, the site name is now shown in the top of the main menu and all data gathered with the Bever App is stored under that Site in the Cloud, so you can easily use it again at a later date or have another user from your company access and use it after you are done.

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If a site for your location is not yet available, a company manager can create one in the Bever dashboard or if you yourself are the company manager, you can create one straight from the App using the “Show menu” button (three dots in the top-right corner) and selecting “Create new site” option.

!    Note: The Bever App will assume the last-used site as your location after each time you restart the app. If you are working on a different location than the last time you used the app, please make sure you select that site or create a new site. You can also set the site selector in the app back to “Local Devices”.

Commissioning new devices

Commissioning new devices consists of several steps, some optional, depending on witch features you do or don't plan on using.

First, you will need to power on all devices that you’d like to commission. When the target devices are powered on, please make sure you and your device are within Bluetooth range of at least one of the new devices. Now you can scan for devices by tapping the search button or by pressing the play symbol in the top-right corner of the Bever App home screen.

By default, the App will search for the nearest devices first and continue searching for devices while expanding its range as time passes. Found devices will show up as ‘networks’ or, if a device is brand new, it will be listed under the ‘Uncoupled devices’ header.

Uncoupled devices have not yet been joined in a ‘network’ yet.  You may want to join devices together to make managing the devices easier or to have them work together (for example: to have devices share motion detections).

Authorizing with Smart Devices

To be able to make any changes to the device-configuration, your account first needs to authorise with the device. To do so, you can tap the device-tile to start authorisation. To do so for all uncoupled devices in one go, you can tap the blue “authorise all” button next to the “uncoupled devices” header.

Attempting to authorise with a device can have one of four outcomes:

1. Authorisation successful

The device tile will have turned white (or black in ‘night mode’) with no further notices in bright orange. 

The device has accepted your authorisation-request and you can now proceed with the next step of commission the device(s).

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2. Reset Needed

(status shown in a bright orange notification on the device tile or as a pop-up notification)

When the device is not yet familiar with your account, but has been authorized with a different account. (this can happen in the factory or at your dealer/service provider for testing or pre-configuration purposes), it may need a power-cycle to add your account to the devices memory. In order to add your account to the device you will be prompted with a 4-step “Physical authorization request” consisting 1. off turning your device off, 2. waiting for 30 seconds, 3. turning your device back on and then 4. reattempting authorization. After rebooting the device when prompted, your device will accept one new user and when authorisation is successful, your account will be remembered going forward. You will not have to perform the ritual again when you want to change anything on the device at a later date.

3. Other device authorized / 4. Not authorized

For these outcomes you may refer to the following article to help you resolve these notifications:

Article: Authorizing Smart Devices using the Bever App

Networking devices

After authorization is successful, you can now tap on the uncoupled device to select them. With the device selected, the app will now show a Plus symbol over the previously found networks and/or show a tile with the text “create new network” To add the device to an existing network, tap the plus symbol in the network you would like to add the device to. To create an entirely new network, tap the plus symbol in the “create new network” tile.

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You will now be prompted with a menu.

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If you are creating a new network, you will start a 4-step process and you’ll first be able to pick a numeric identifier from 1 to 30 and then you may name the new network. (optional, but reccomended)

Then you can set device settings if all devices are of the same type. Providing device settings during initial setup is especially advantageous if you are commissioning multiple new devices at once. Don’t worry if you want to have different settings for individual devices at a later date: you can tweak all device-settings after you are done setting up the network. Device settings are further detailed further down in this manual and can also be done at a later time if you are not yet familiar with the concept.

Both when you are creating a new network and if you are adding devices to an existing network, you can add devices to one or more groups within the network from here to. ‘Groups’ are explained further down in this manual and can be created at a later time if you are not yet familiar with the concept.

The last step is to verify your configuration and tapping “next” one more time will start storing your new settings on each induvidual new device. This may take a few moments as the App is writing to the devices. We recommend you keep your device running the Bever App as physically close to target devices as possible during this process to optimize communication speed.

Tweak device behavioural parameters

Bever Smart Devices have smart behavioural paramaters out-of-the-box, based on the most common use cases of each respective device. You can tweak these default parameters to have the exact behavior that you would like to set for your device(s).

Please refer to specific device manual for more information of each setting specific to your device. Your devices specific settings can be found by going to and replacing the X-es by the first five numbers from your devices serial number.

You may also refer to the common Smart device settings article for more general information on settings.

Article: Common Smart Device Settings

Now that the device is added to a network, it can be opened by first opening the network it is part of from the main screen by tapping it and then tapping the tile showing the device. You will now be shown the device settings page and the App will download its current settings from the selected device. If download does not initiate automatically, you may have to tab the “Get data” button on the top-right of the settings pane.

You are now presented with the basic settings of the device: (may differ for your specific device)

When you change one or more of the above values, the line in the settings pane will turn yellow, indicating the setting has not yet been saved to the device. To save to the device, press the “Save” button in the middle of the top bar of the settings pane. To cancel your alterations, you can press the “Reset” button on the top-left and all altered fields will be restored to the setting stored in the device. 

When the configuration changes have been successfully saved, the lines will return to their normal colour with the updated settings showing. 

Grouping devices

You can select multiple devices by tapping and holding the fist device until it is selected. Now you can tap other devices to add them to your selection.

When you have selected all devices you would like to group, you can use the “Show menu” button (three dots in the top-right corner) and then tapping the “Add/Remove Groups” option.

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From the dialog you can select “add” to start a 4-step process to add your selection to a group.

Now you’ll first have to pick a group-identifier from 1 to 30 and name the new Group. Existing groups will show with their given name, unused identifiers will be called “Group X” 

Now you can optionally set device settings if all devices are of the same type. Providing device settings during grouping is especially advantageous if you are commissioning multiple new devices at once. Don’t worry if you want to have different settings for individual devices at a later date: you can tweak all device-settings further after you are done setting up the group. 

The last step is to verify your configuration and tapping “next” one more time will start storing your new group settings on each new device. This may take a few moments as the App is writing to the devices.

Please note that devices can be part of multiple groups.

Sharing sensors in a group

Devices can communicate in their group(s) when they see motion and/or daylight, so that other devices in the group can use that sensor reading as if it were its own. This is managed from the Groups tab in a Network. The groups tab is where will find all available groups within the network. Tapping a group will unfold its options and devices so you can see what devices are part of the group. When unfolded, you can use the “Sensor Sharing” button to get an overview of the current settings on each device for this group.

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To see what is currently shared, you must first download the settings from all devices by pressing the green “Download data for all devices” button.

After the download is completed you can see wat is currently shared or used in the group in three categories: Motion, Light and Level. If, like in the figure above, no boxes are checked, then no sensors are currently share in this group.

   If you encounter check-boxes that are red coloured, you may need to redeem a licence for that device first. Please use the article below to get more information.

Article: Bever App - Assigning a smart license

Devices that have motion sensors can share its detections in the group by checking the “Share” box in the green motion category. If you want your device to use motion detections from other devices in this group that are sharing, you can check the “use” box in the motion categorie. To prevent accidental touches or just to have more space on your screen, you can hide categories by tapping the filter buttons at the top of the list.

Don’t forget to tap “Save” after you’ve made changes to the sensor sharing settings.

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Your device is now configured with your desired sensor sharing options.

Final remarks

You have now performed all steps of basic commissioning, but Bever Smart Technology has many more capabilities and options. For more information, please visit or contact your sales representative, Bever Innovations or your Dealer/Service provider.